Peter Young’s relationship with Palyul and H.H. Penor Rinpoche

Peter Young (PY) has no official connection to Nyingma, Palyul or Namdroling. Past emails to Namdroling verifying his authenticity were unanswered. This is the Tibetan way of saying “he is nothing to do with us”. They refuse to acknowledge PY. I have never seen any real connection with Palyul. PY puts their name on the Pathgate website, and that’s all.

I was there when he started to say he was part of Palyul, and it was like someone having been to a place a few times, then saying “oh I’m part of it”. He is lying about this.

Another poster on this forum said he saw the late Holiness Penor Rinpoche (HH) call PY a liar in front of a group of retreatants. Nowadays, PY simply tells his students that he was “scorned very badly” by HH. He claims he did not know why HH was scorning him, he believes that HH was purifying his karma and using him to teach the other students present. 

Yet the truth is, HH was simply calling PY out for who he is, a liar. For PY to spin this event to paint himself in a good light shows the jaw-dropping lack of shame and remorse.

I was there when PY started his relationship with HH. PY boasted about how he forced himself into HH’s inner circle by pretending to be a professional photographer who just wanted to take pictures (so he had to be allowed to be nearby at all times). I didn’t just hear about it, I saw it happen. Also ask the senior student, he knows.

PY was not a professional photographer, so he was lying to HH and his circle of high lamas, so he could get close to them.  

PY then wanted to self-publish a coffee-table book of HH in order to hide this lie, but since his photographs lacked quality (because he wasn’t a professional), he said that publishing a book like that was too expensive.

HH didn’t like PY, and treated him with disdain. I saw this myself when I was at Namdroling. The times I saw PY with HH, HH did not seem to hold PY in any kind of high regard. In fact, I’d say HH was very careful around PY, and very careful to keep distance from him.

In fact, I heard PY complain about the distance HH kept from him several times. Yes, PY spent time around HH, but I think PY has turned that into “I was his special student”. He’s lying. It’s like someone going to a nightclub a few times with a celebrity, and turning that into “oh yeah we are super special friends”.

HH had patience with PY because PY brought a lot of money to the monastery, and had developed political ties to influential people in the monastery (again through money and also by manipulating the monks’ awe at PY having so many Western students).

I saw HH give PY the lama robes ceremoniously, in return for a lot of money. It was not in recognition of PY’s status. I don’t believe PY when he says HH gave him authority to teach. In Tibetan Buddhism, that kind of authority is always backed up by a signed document from the high lama. The Rinpoche at the official Europe Palyul Centre has such a document.
The Tibetans did this to stop fake gurus. PY does not have such a document from HH. 

When I have seen PY interact with other Buddhists it is not positive. He is a constant state of agitation, and always trying to impress them.

PY also behaves generally in a way that is nothing like how I’ve experienced real Tibetan Buddhist Lamas behave. The only Buddhist teachers who behave like PY, are those who have since been exposed at fakes and abusers. This has been true since the 1970s, it’s all documented. 

The only teachers who talk about using “crazy wisdom” are the fakes – they use it as an excuse to act like arseholes. The real teachers who use crazy wisdom don’t need to explain that is what they are doing, because even when “crazy”, what they do is positive and effective.

PY is neither positive nor effective, so he has to tell people he’s using “crazy wisdom” to explain his behaviour. He needs the excuse of “crazy wisdom”, otherwise he’s just an arsehole. If you take the excuse of “crazy wisdom” from PY, you see immediately who he really is, someone who is nasty to everyone around him, so he can exploit them, so he doesn’t have to get a job.

Peter Young’s teachings and methods

Other facts about Dondrup Dorje’s (Peter Young / PY) that show who he really is:

1. PY teaches that fear is the opposite of hope.

The Dalai Lama says that hope is very important. So do all other authentic spiritual authorities. PY teaches his students to therefore abandon hope if they wish to free themselves from fear. PY does this deliberately to depress the emotional and mental states of his students, to rob them of any sense of a better future for themselves. Because it is based on lies, this method, of course, never works. It just gives PY more and more control over his students as they sink into depression.

In addition, it is agreed by everyone that fear is actually the opposite of love. The opposite of hope is actually despair. PY teaches his students to despair of everything in the past, present and the future, so that he can then present himself as their only salvation. PY teaches his students that if they still feel fear (which he deliberately inflicts on them at every opportunity), then they should work even harder to abandon all hope.

As mentioned previously PY uses fear, and is driven by fear, because he does not know what love is, and is incapable of inspiring love in anyone.

This is why he teaches that fear is the opposite of hope. If his students realised that fear is the opposite of love, then they would quickly realise PY is actually treating them with the opposite of love.

2. PY teaches that human rights do not exist.

The Dalai Lama says that human rights are very important. PY teaches this to give his students the impression that they do not have any human rights, which enables PY to treat them as less than human. PY does this so that when he abuses his students, they feel that is it not a bad thing, that they deserve it, and most importantly that any sense his students might have that being abused should not be tolerated, is an illusion. If human rights do not exist, then what rights could his students claim to have not to be abused?

3. PY teaches that violence against children is correct and should be encouraged.

I (and many other students) witnessed him endorsing violence against child-monks at Namdroling monastery. I witnessed Penor Rinpoche (PR) asking his monks to stop using violence as a form of discipline against the child-monks. PR did this several times.

(It is well known that there is an a very sad, culturally driven, tendency in many Buddhist monasteries in India and Tibet to resort to violence as a means of discipline. The Dalai Lama speaks often about one of his tutors who used violence against him when he was a child).

PY specifically and repeatedly contradicted PR, saying violence was necessary. PY openly stated that PR didn’t know what he was talking about. For PY to contradict the direct teaching, and instruction, of PR shows the lack of sincerity PY has for the person he claims was his root guru.

Additionally, all educators and experts in child behaviour say that, in a nutshell, if an adult finds themselves reduced to using violence against children, they have already lost all authority and respect they might have had. It has also been scientifically proven that motivating children through violence is counter-productive.

In the bigger picture, encouraging violence against Buddhist monks, whether they are children or adults, is utterly in contradiction to all Buddhist (and spiritual) teaching.

PY says violence against child-monks is correct and to be encouraged, in order to make his students feel that when he is violent with them, it is correct and to be expected. PY justifies his violence against his own students, and makes his students feel that PY’s violence is correct, and useful.

4. If you want to know what real, recognised and endorsed by proper authorities think of Peter Young’s methods of teaching martial arts, and the way PY abuses his students, please contact Master Lam Kam Chuen. Master Lam is originally from Hong Kong, as was PY. Master Lam has known, and known of, Peter Young for many years. Master Lam is very clear about the destructive outsomes of PY’s methods. (


Fallout from an initially trivial event amongst C-list celebrities in UK has brought to public light the set of abusive practices now known as “gaslighting”. This is very useful enlanguaging. There’s a clearly expressed article about it here:

“Ten years ago I’d never heard the term “gaslighting”. But I realised something wasn’t right when I began to believe the person telling me that my mind was betraying me. I hadn’t just been lied to, I’d systematically and consciously been manipulated into questioning my own cognisance, driven into a spiral of self-loathing and constant anxiety by the belief that my perceptions were irrational and wrong.

“Gaslighting … is breaking down a person’s trust in their own mind – something so damaging it can take years to recover from. It’s a daily form of coercive manipulation designed to make someone so vulnerable and confused that they rely more on their abuser than on themselves. It exists in the same sphere of controlling behaviour as isolating someone from friends and family, making them entirely reliant on their [abuser]. A common form of gaslighting exists in the chillingly common abuser’s refrain: ‘You can’t leave me – no one will ever love you like I love you’.”

Gaslighting is Peter Young’s primary method at Pathgate.

What’s truly shocking is that Peter Young very openly forces people to question their own cognisance in this destructive way. He claims it is the only method that breaks down the “non-enlightened mind”, and thus open the enlightened mind. His victims believe this, decimating their own lives as a result.

The straightforward proof that this claim is a lie is: Peter Young uses fear and violence. Only someone who knows they are in the wrong, and seeks manipulative power over another, uses fear and violence. There is no need for fear and violence. That is the big lie. Objectively, in observable fact, across the world, throughout all recorded history, and today, in every field, fear and violence closes people off, shuts them down and reduces their capacity for development.

Someone who is working from good intent, and seeks another person’s liberation, uses positive reinforcement. This is scientifically true, psychologically true, pedagogically true, and spiritually true. The Buddha also constantly told his followers to listen to their own minds, and to very beware of those fakers who taught anything else.